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FELD 02/2020

  • Text
  • Green spaces
  • Biodiversity
  • Insects
  • Emissions
  • Wolf
  • Ecosystems
  • Urban
  • Soil fertility
  • Landscape
  • Wildlife
  • Soils
  • Researchers
  • Zalf
  • Carbon
  • Residues
  • Crop
  • Agricultural
  • Soil
When wild animals and agriculture meet, there are often conflicts. Hannes König is working on new instruments for wildlife management to change this. // Crop residues can have a major impact on soil fertility and emissions footprint. How can these residues be used efficiently? Tommaso Stella and Ioanna Mouratiadou are exploring this question. // When Gabriela Onandia walks through Berlin, she recognizes a large number of ecosystems where most people only see parks or green areas. The scientist is investigating the effects of urbanization on these ecosystems. // Soils fulfil many functions that are extremely important for humans. Michael Sommer and Martin Leue try to extract as much information as possible from these all-rounders.


Issue 02 · 2020 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS CONTENT 17 »Sustainable Development Goals« are the centerpiece of the Agenda 2030, approved in 2015 by the United Nations (UN). The Agenda lays a foundation for global economic development in accordance with social justice and within the ecological boundaries of planet earth. MORE INFO When WILD ANIMALS and AGRICULTURE meet, there are often CONFLICTS. Hannes König is working on NEW INSTRUMENTS FOR WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT to change this. 02 The research projects presented in this issue address the following Sustainable Development Goals: 2 7 9 11 CROP RESIDUES can have A MAJOR IMPACT ON SOIL FERTILITY AND EMISSIONS FOOTPRINT. How can these residues be USED EFFICIENTLY? Tommaso Stella and Ioanna Mouratiadou are exploring this question. 10 ZERO HUNGER AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE 12 13 15 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES When Gabriela Onandia walks through BERLIN, she recognizes a large number of ecosystems where most people only see parks or green areas. The scientist is investigating the EFFECTS OF URBA- NIZATION ON THESE ECOSYSTEMS. 20 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION CLIMATE ACTION LIFE ON LAND SOILS fulfil many functions that are extremely important for humans. Michael Sommer and Martin Leue try to EXTRACT AS MUCH INFORMATI- ON AS POSSIBLE from these all-rounders. 30 INTERVIEW 28 · NEWS 34 · IMPRINT 36 01 Subscribe to FELD free of charge? Just send a mail to

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